Brenda Msangi BIOGRAPHY

Brenda is a healthcare and management professional who started her leadership journey at the young age of 25years. In 2005, she became a Pharmacist Manager, overseeing one of the largest Community Pharmacy Chain businesses in the UK, Llyods Pharmacy.

In 2009, Brenda made what will be considered a life-changing decision to return to her home country, Tanzania. She joined the largest healthcare NGO in Tanzania, CCBRT, which provides specialised clinical services and development programmes.

It took Brenda 9 years to climb the ladder within the organisation to the C-Suit in 2018. She was the first female and Tanzanian CEO to hold the position since the organisation's inception in 1994. Brenda is a pioneer in deploying Lean Management in Healthcare in Tanzania; she developed and implemented organization-wide initiatives to improve overall organization's performance. Brenda leads the organisation's journey to become a Social Enterprise.

Brenda also sits on various boards of organisations including CEO Roundtable of Tanzania, World Vision Tanzania and Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE).

Brenda's impressive journey has a large following and it reflects commitment, persistence, and consistency among others. Passion and grit continue to carry her through her leadership journey. Brenda is a frequent Public Speaker with a presence on many platforms including TEDx.

Brenda is a graduate of University of Brighton (UK) where she acquired her Masters of Pharmacy and earned her MBA in Healthcare from University of Plymouth (UK).

Brenda takes pride as the founder of an online mentorship forum called Dear Girl Child BMK, that is continuing to gain a large following, both female and male.

Her sense of humour and energy enable her to tackle the complexity of her current role with positivity and determination. Brenda is a wife and a mother of three daughters.

Book Speaker

Brenda Msangi

CCBRT Hospital CEO | Founder Dear Girl Child BMK | TEDx Speaker

Live Speaking: $ 1000

Virtual Speaking: $ 500

Categories: Leadership and Women Empowerment